Co-Op snake Game

Project information

2 player 2d co-op snake game unity. In this game you each player can eat food to grow in size and block off the other player. If the player head hits any body then the player is dead. If any player length if less than zero then the player is dead. in which case the other player wins. You are provided with powerup that can either trap the other player or let you escape from tricky situations.


  • Couch Mutliplayer game.
  • Random food Generation
  • Easily remapable controls.
  • Customizable code architecture
  • Death Condition implemented
  • Snake Screen wraping implemented
  • Eating food increases size and score.
  • Eating poison decreases size and score.
  • 3 Power ups available.
    • Score Boost: increases the score gained for an interval.
    • Speed Boost : Increases the speed for an interval.
    • Sheild : Defends agains head hitting anything for an interval.

Designed by BootstrapMade